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We’ll weigh a myriad of critical factors to ensure that your member rep compensation package keeps membership reps focused on the results you desire. Including your unique market and selling environment, organizational goals, chamber size, sales priorities, and more. The result is an effective comp plan that ties rewards directly to achievement and inspires reps to accomplish the targeted results you seek.


Compensation and Performance Agreement

Compensation plans work decidedly better when they have clearly defined payment calculations, specific goals, and expectations are explicit. We’ll deliver a comprehensive employee compensation and performance agreement – with detailed organizational policies and expectations and clearly defined membership rep guidelines, responsibilities and payment procedures.

Performance-Based Rewards

When devising membership rep compensation plans, our objective is always the same – reward performance that supports long-term sustainable growth for your chamber. We’ll identify the optimal balance of compensation metrics that sufficiently inspire your membership reps to deliver the results you need. And structure a plan that is communicated easily and painless to administer.

Meaningful Sales Goals and Performance Objectives

Establishing quotas is more than just mandating an ambitious number. Setting the bar too high can demotivate your team and lead to excessive turnover. On the other hand, when the bar isn’t high enough your team may not be inspired to perform at their best. We’ll implement carefully balanced sales parameters that are realistic while sufficiently challenging your team to make a significant impact.

Sales Activity Benchmarks and Performance Measures

Sales activity benchmarks are established to ensure that your team maintains the right level of activity to produce the results you need. For example, your reps need to make enough prospecting calls and arrange enough meetings to achieve their quota. We’ll identify and prioritize your core set of critical sales activities and establish benchmarks to measure selling effectiveness and progress.

Ramping Sales Performance

You shouldn’t expect newly hired reps to achieve quota immediately, but you can set reasonable expectations to get them up to speed faster. We’ll identify appropriate sales activity goals to ensure that your new hires are learning and executing proven strategies that will deliver future results. And establish progressively ramped sales quotas that steadily advance your new hires to full quota achievement.

Planning and Implementation

We appreciate that the success of our partnership is directly correlated to how well we collaborate with your team. We’ll communicate with your team to understand your objectives and stay connected to provide updates and obtain your feedback. In the end, we won’t just deliver the plan; we’ll coordinate implementation sessions to review every aspect of the plan, make adjustments, and pave the way to adoption.

Are you ready to learn how we can customize a solution that works best for your chamber?


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