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As major employers face the challenges of a globally competitive marketplace, they have a vested interest in how your chamber impacts the business climate, economic conditions, and quality of life in your community. All of which impact every employer’s ability to attract and retain employees as well as their capacity to grow and prosper. Major employers are far more likely to invest when you engage them at this level.


User–Friendly Playbook

Every chamber is unique, with its own culture, procedures and unique challenges. Your made-to-order major investor plan will be tailored to help you achieve your specific goals and objectives. Our engagement will culminate with a permanent user-friendly playbook, loaded with content that is readily absorbed and transferred to on-the-job performance.

High-Impact Questions

Presenting information too soon leads to one-way conversations where your reps do most of the talking. We’ll arm your team with the methodology to develop powerful discovery questions for every stage in the major investor acquisition process. Including when and how to query prospective investors and engage them in more relevant and collaborative conversations.

Investor Focused Message Maps

Conversations should take place from each prospects’ perspective. We’ll deliver targeted major investor message maps loaded with relevant information that is compelling to major employers in your community. Your team’s success rates will steadily improve as they learn to relate your key messages to each prospective investor’s circumstances.

Working with Gatekeepers

Gatekeepers have the unenviable job of screening out salespeople. A poor approach can jeopardize any chance that your reps have to eventually pass through the “stone wall” and connect with a key decision maker. We prepare your reps with effective methodology and strategies to handle gatekeeper objections.

Appointment Setting Protocols

Your chamber’s success is dependent on the relationships you build. It’s why an in–person meeting with every prospective investor is vital to drive positive outcomes. The first critical step is arranging the meeting. We’ll deliver executable appointment setting protocols and technique. Including relevant themes with accompanying voicemail and email strategy designed to get you in front of key decision makers.

Monetizing Your Initiatives

Sometimes the critical outcomes your chamber strives to attain impact major employers within a specific industry more profoundly. We’ll provide actionable strategies to engage impacted employers – that should support your efforts. Your team will learn how to establish value and seek investments based on how your chamber pursues critical solutions.

Adaptive Presentation Formula

Senior executives want to know the problem and how you aim to solve it. You must be prepared to substantiate your area’s unique challenges – and succinctly connect how your chamber facilitates solutions. We’ll provide the blueprint to deliver effective presentations that compel business leaders to feel the impact of your area’s pain points. And validate how their investment is crucial to influence the direction of your community.

Scalable Investment Model

Your plan will include the methodology to bundle membership and sponsorship into an annual value–added investment. Doing so helps prospective investors readily appreciate the value you deliver. Plus, renewals are less stressful, and upgrades are more appealing when you haven’t hounded investors for additional support throughout the year.

Implementation and Sustainment Process

Core implementation and training can be accomplished over a comprehensive two–day workshop or remotely at your preferred pace. Either way, these highly interactive sessions will incorporate scenario-based learning, exercises and role play. We also equip your team to achieve long-term results via a robust sustainment and training reinforcement strategy that ensures real-world skills adoption.

Are you ready to learn how we can customize a solution that works best for your chamber?


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