How Are You Spending Your Time?We all know that the current environment is not ideal for chamber membership sales reps. But there are chambers that are having success recruiting new members. We’ve talked about how important a consistent process is for membership sales success, COVID or no COVID. But process only yields results if you are putting in the time. By time, we mean picking up the phone, calling prospects and starting conversations. We have stressed for years that membership reps need to be making at least 40 dials per day. The response we typically get when we make this suggestion, is something to the effect of “that’s crazy, there’s no time for that!” The fact is, there was plenty of time for it then, and there’s even more time for it now. With fewer event responsibilities gobbling up your time, we’d like you to take an honest look at how you are spending your workdays. How many hours each day are you devoting to reaching out to prospects? If your answer is less than four hours per day, you need to do better. We think that if you are responsible for driving revenue for your chamber, it’s reasonable to expect at least 50% of your day be spent doing so. We’ve done the math. You can do 40 calls in under five hours. We doubt you have prospects calling you right now. And, they’re probably not lined up at your chamber’s door either. You have to pick up the phone. And you have to do it repeatedly. You won't move the needle if you give up after a week. The good news is that it gets easier each time you do it. Quantity and consistency are two things that can make a difference for you in any sales environment, but especially now. Make the calls. Stick to the plan and you will see results over time. We know it's tough out there right now. If you have questions, or just need a little encouragement, we want to remind you that we’re easy to talk to, and we want to help. Sign up to receive our Mid-Week Membership Sales Tip delivered to your inbox every Wednesday. |
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