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Prospecting Calls Are Alive And Well

With the rise of work from home, membership teams who employ outbound prospecting calls as a key component of their recruiting strategy are experiencing impressive results calling prospective members.

Prospecting calls are particularly critical when you consider that chambers don’t have big advertising and marketing budgets that generate enough inbound leads to sustain the growth they need. “Build it, they will come” is just not an option for chambers.

Even if they had a limitless budget, most chamber executives rightfully agree that the dollars should be invested in mission-based initiatives and programs.

You Can’t Afford To Sit Back and Wait For Prospects to Call

Prospecting calls remain the most cost-effective way to connect with prospective members. And allow your chamber to control its own destiny.

Think of it this way, your chamber likely has a target list of key businesses who you’d like as members. You can’t afford to sit back and wait for them to call you. Talk about a long recruiting cycle… You can do everything possible to increase your inbound inquiries – email campaigns, SEO, social selling, advertising, and more. However, at the end of the day, you have to pick up the phone and call the businesses who aren’t calling your chamber. Frankly, it’s no wonder that prospecting calls yield one of the highest financial returns for new member development.

No Substitute For Person-To-Person Interaction

Most importantly, we believe that there’s just no substitute for the person-to-person interaction that prospecting calls bring about with prospective members. There’s no better way to deliver your chamber’s message. And, it's the most efficient way to gain true understanding and learn firsthand about the prospective members in your community.

Blueprint for Prospecting Success

Membership representatives should be communicating consistent chamber-approved messaging on every prospecting call. Make sure your reps are prepared with voicemail messages, message maps, and strategic questions designed to uncover prospective members’ challenges or business objectives. Doing so ensures that everyone delivers the most effective message. It’s your blueprint for building trust and confidence with every prospective member.

If you have questions about this technique or other membership recruitment and retention issues, get in touch. We’re easy to talk to, and we want to help.

Also - we are pleased to announce the launch of Holman Brothers' Virtual Learning Series! Our first training webinar "Overcoming Prospecting Roadblocks" is scheduled for January 21, 2021. Head here to find out more and reserve your spot. Registration for the webinar is just $49!

Overcoming Prospecting Roadblocks-2.png

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