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You're Spending Too Much Time On Prospect Research

This may seem counterintuitive, but we believe that chamber membership professionals spend far more time than they should conducting research on prospects. Why? Because new member prospecting and recruiting are less about doing research in advance and more about asking questions.

Questions help you to personally connect with prospective members, learn and develop a true understanding of what's important to them, and determine whether they are a fit for your chamber.

Don’t get us wrong, we believe in preparation, but obtaining the information you need to prepare for a prospect conversation is quicker and easier than ever before. So, we contend that there is no reason to spend more than 5 minutes or so (10 at the most), researching most prospects.

LinkedIn Company Pages offer a quick and effortless way for you to uncover insights about prospective members that other social networks don’t provide. We find that LinkedIn is even more effective and straightforward than most company websites. With over 760 million users worldwide, it could easily be asserted that chamber membership pros are vastly underusing LinkedIn. 

From a prospecting and research standpoint, simply use the search functionality to find company pages and quickly access:

  • A company overview and description.
  • A feel for the company’s brand.
  • Details about the products or services they offer.
  • Company announcements, updates and news.
  • Hiring information - if they are hiring and what types of positions need filled. 
  • Key decision makers and how you may connect with them.
  • Employee count and more.

These informative snapshots typically offer everything you need to quickly determine whether it is worthwhile to pursue a company as a potential new member or investor.  When the answer is yes, you’ll have more than enough background information to make your first prospecting call.

So, do just enough research to get familiar with a company, then pick up the phone to really learn what's going on in each prospect’s world.

We encourage you to try this and let us know how it goes. We’re easy to talk to, and we want to help. 

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